Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My first dashboard blog

Okay so today I decided to start a blog on dashboard... Mostly because a couple of my friends in a Yahoo scrap booking group do it and well... it's fun to read theirs so I thought I would give it a go...
Today was a quiet lazy day... I'm still at my son's house in Massachusetts, helping take care of him since his accident playing softball... I found out that this was his first game ever in softball and it was his first time up at bat... Not too sure he should even try to make a career out of this sport... lol Though he is already talking about when he can play again, which upsets his wife to no end... She thinks he should try something less apt to hurt him... something safer... Well I was pretty sure softball wasn't up there in the list of dangerous sports until now... lol
So like I said... lazy day... I got up early... well early for me... 7:30something and made my coffee, turned on my laptop and sat down to read my e-mails from the day before. I'm obsessed with getting new e-mails... can't wait to read them, reply to them and find out what all my friends are up to... Not a lot of messages so that was a short task for me... oh well, maybe better tomorrow morning.
after coffee and e-mail i head into my room to get dressed and then into the kitchen to make breakfast for me and Marc... He doesn't want any so it's an easy morning... then it's put on my yahoo messenger and get in touch with my mom...
She and I im off and on during the day and call each other a couple times a day too... it's easier to do the iming because then dad doesn't interrupt us all the time with questions for me or comments for her to pass along to me... lol... though now he knows the sound of her fingers on the keyboard and does it just the same... lol he's so funny...
so with me away the computer and phone are the only ways we (mom and I) can keep in touch... and she really misses me... I miss her too...
This afternoon I took a little nap since I've not slept well since being here and when I got up I started the pork roast for dinner and waited for my daughter in law to get home from work to show me how she makes her little roasted potatoes cause they are so yummy...
I miss my sweetie and my home... it's strange how people get so used to their own place that leaving it for a visit trip or for a helpful trip like mine, you get lonely for home and when you are home you can't wait to go visit and see other people... Strange Huh???
But I do miss my own home... things where I want them, what I want and when without worrying about someone else... Knowing what I have to prepare a meal and where all the tools are to do so... How I like my food as apposed to trying to make something for someone else and praying that they will like it... then getting hurt feelings when it's an "okay"... and it's stuff you have made for that person the whole time he was growing up... being told that his wife is a great cook... implying that you aren't... boy I want to go home...
Soon... one more day... then it's on the plane and off to Florida... my own space, my home, my stuff, my sweetheart and my cat... I can't wait... though it will only be for a few weeks then it's off again for my annual trip north to visit with all my kids and grand boys... Do you think I can skip the week at my son's house since I'm here now??? Probably not... oh well... I'll make the best of it like I usually do... find the bright side of any situation... the good within the bad... that's me the eternal optimist.... lol
so I guess I've bored you all enough for tonight... I'll try to come up with something more exciting to write about tomorrow... lol


Sandy said...

Woo Hoo, you go you bloggin mama :) I can add you to my fav. places to visit now ;)

Queen of her Castle said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Can't wait to read more of your hilarious commentary! I am sure it will brighten my day.
