Saturday, September 8, 2007

i may never work outside again... argh...

The largest orb weaver in our gardens is the black and yellow argiope (Argiope aurantia). Actually, only the female is large, the males being much smaller by comparison. Although big enough to deliver a bite, these spiders are not poisonous or aggressive. The black and yellow argiope is also called banana spider, yellow garden spider, zipper spider, golden orb weaver and writing spider. There are a number of other species in the genus Argiope, but most that occur in the U.S. are restricted to tropical climates. A related species inhabits gardens in Europe. Because they make such big webs and are brightly colored, it is impossible for a resident argiope to remain unnoticed in the garden or, as they sometimes look for sheltered areas, on the side of a house. (unnoticed my butt...)
okay so my gardens are being invaded by these huge yet really beautiful yet really icky spiders... they are everywhere... first two of them decided to build their webs and lay their eggs in one of my gardens out back beside my patio...

being the weird nature lover at first i just watched them and kept an eye on them from the safety of my screened patio... then my dh saw them and soaked them with the closest bug spray he could find. wasp spray... good choice since he could spray from a distance of 25 feet... he also shot down a huge and i mean huge egg sac...

now i have done extensive research on these rather large creatures and even though it says they are not aggressive and not poisonous to humans i still get the creeps just seeing them in areas around my house... and this morning as i was sending my dh off to his weekly golf game there was yet another... or was it one of the ones he thought he sprayed the other day... either way... there she was... hanging from the eaves in front of the garage door... the very same garage door that we use to leave and return to our home... the same garage door that i'm expected to use while going out grocery shopping this morning... ewwww ...

i don't think i will ever garden again... maybe not even leave my house again... maybe i'm not as much of a nature lover as i once thought i was... lmao


Tricia said...

YIKES!!! I don't think I'd be in the garden either! I'm creeped out just from reading it...thank goodness we aren't that tropical to get those!!! They are quite beautiful though!

Queen of her Castle said...

Ewwww! I hate spiders. My next door neighbor has one hanging on her front porch and she and her daughter monitor it daily. I personally would have run that thing off long ago. Gives me the creeps. But hey if they hang around long enough you could just call them Halloween decorations.

Donna said...

okay that gave me a good laugh.. leaving them for halloween decorations... lol...
the good thing about them is they eat bugs... but i still disposed of it... well not really it's body is still out in front of the garage... ewwwww